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Aliens - UFOs UAP

https://www.skywatchtv.com/2021/06/17/rep/ UFOs defying physics

Is the world being impulsively seduced into unscientific alien UFO false "finite" ascension issues, according to skywatchtv even mentioning credible sightings by leading organisations, and we all need to know biblical reality checks, before extradimensional (rather than extraterrestrial) UFO spirits try and mislead us all - jumping to conclusions without critical thinking and totally disciplined leadership of peer reviewed scientific rigor. Cosmic evolutionists like to advocate one standard for others and another standard for themselves in practice, ie what constitute scientifically and rigorously true reality checks.

Is Oumuamua space rock sending a signal ?
How is it that UFOs need to travel at lightspeed or faster, but Oumuamua doesn't need to ?

A few reality checks are to require up-close inspection of such craft, rides to the outer Heliosphere and back in alleged human time frames, then to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxima_Centauri_b to make a video and collect samples, then they need to take us to an Earth like habitable exoplanet or moon and back again in human time frames - where their alien sophisticated scientific culture supposedly built extraterrestrial UFO/s (with long duration power supply, life support & airconditioning, and artificial gravity), and had the essentials for that life - which also must be compatible with life on Earth, for them to be able to visit at different times. They need to demonstrate the craft's shields, required for rapid extraterrestrial travel, and also for alleged terrestrial travel through Earth's atmosphere. Lack of these requirements for rapid journeys through our gigantic dust/meteorites/gas/cosmic ray extraterrestrial Cosmos would indicate the remaining possibility that they're only extradimensional, so are from a young Cosmos - dated by a maximum speed much faster than (potentially millions of) light years, as discussed below. And (radar targeted) laser scanning of more distant craft. These things need to be demonstrated before impulsively buying into any report of them coming from deep space, or offering ascension through finite creatures, that can't repeatedly raise the dead on demand. We need to scientifically study rapid movements and composition of such craft up close. Otherwise such story/s are merely trying to have science imitate art - ie just so storytelling of science fiction.

In a society built on scientific rigor or credible eyewitnesses, and when everything that can be shaken will be shaken - by the principalities and powers of the Cosmos, ignoring the need for rigorous critical thinking of reality checks or credible eyewitnesses is hazard prone. The Bible is an unprecedented exception because of it's unique heptadic structure, and scientific reality checks detailed on our home page; (though it's advocacy of noble standards of behaviour is totally credible).

Can angels or aliens travel up to or faster than light speed ? Are wormholes, subspace, hyperspace, slipstreams, corridors or conduits, warp speeds, trans-warp, folding of space, bridges, portals and gateways, or inter-dimensional travel (and Near Death Experiences NDEs) real ?
If any of them are real, what would that tell us about the age of the universe ?
If alien / UFO advocates believe it is possible for angels or aliens to span the heavens (the Cosmos) within very short time frames then the universe has a mechanism useful for rapid interstellar travel (which mechanism would have existed before any creatures did, for the Cosmos's own existence & creation) and dating the universe by implication that billions of light years is the yardstick need not be correct. The universe need not necessarily be old in such a scenario, since it can be spanned quickly, using cosmic shortcuts.

It's one thing to travel at light speed, it's another thing to slow down again once the destination is reached.
Space is more than just a vacuum, having dust of different sizes, meteorites, cosmic rays, and gases. Traveling rapidly through those particles would/have destroy any material ship, terrestrial or extraterrestrial (actually extradimensional).
If the only remaining possibility is an extradimensional craft then that dimension would be much higher speed than light, for the craft to span part of our Cosmos in our time frames, so therefore the size and age of that dimension will be younger too. No old aliens are possible in a high speed younger dimension, and no "finite" ascension. The existence of a posited high speed dimension would mean our Cosmos isn't dated by it's material size/age, but is dated by the time it takes for the craft to cross our Cosmos via the other dimension, ie a Cosmic shortcut, since light speed is no longer a limiting factor. That other dimension would exist for the creation and existence of our material Cosmos, therefore making it's age much younger.

Do i love science or science fiction ? It's been said never let the facts get in the way of a good story. To hypothesize the storyline of a shield that might survive luminal/superluminal travel, we might require a sweeping vaporizing ray that could reach dust/meteorites before they intercepted our ship, at high velocity. No such shield/vaporizing ray could stop cosmic rays or gases, and couldn't be fast enough to vaporize particles in advance of our superluminal ship; though a good story to the contrary would seek to have science imitating art.

Size in billions of light-years or parsecs isn't necessarily synonymous with inter-dimensional age, hinted at by quantum entanglement. We can be confident from physical parallax measurements using simple trigonometry, by the Hubble Space Telescope, that at least a "size"/distance up to a maximum of about 1000 parsecs or 3,260 light years (for parallax measurements) does indicate large distance measurements for stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. Those who struggle with parallax reality might read about it in the linked wikipedia article. It is said that the Milky Way has a diameter of about 100,000 light years. But such "size"/ distance isn't necessarily synonymous with great age, since inter-dimensional travel (including Near Death Experience reality - NDEs) is thought to not be constrained by parameters of a physical universe and light speed.

Extra dimensions would exist for creation or existence of the universe/Cosmos, before any creatures existed; hinted at by quantum entangled particles. (Because belief in the frontiers of quantum physics, inter-dimensional near death experiences, our body/soul/spirit, and angels set a precedent for belief that the multi-dimensional Cosmos was also created beyond our natural/materialism's laws). I'm reminded that DNA is constituted of quantum energy too; though they're not all equal, as observed for biblically defined kinds, based in their spiritual soul manifested physically (eg the soul independent of DNA as for 2 credible inter-dimensional NDE afterlife experiences, and angels).

If we project the physical constraint of light speed onto a spiritual reality (check) then we're conflating two different worldviews. We draw conclusions about inter-dimensional beings (& NDEs) that visit our physical universe, and how that sets a higher speed limit for the Cosmos - so it's age isn't necessarily old (a counter-intuitive Copernican insight?), but evidently have to be cautious, due to lack of detailed observations, for a reversed inference about humans visiting another dimension, primarily for any relationship of our light speed to that dimension's distances or age. Except that biblically the angels heaven would be closely correlated with the age of our Cosmos (as proven authoritative by heptadic structure, and the accepted wisdom that a few heavenly dimensions were created along with the angels).

If humanity meets again an inter-dimensional being/alien? (or recognizes inter-dimensional NDE's) then we'll all know once again that our Cosmos isn't necessarily old, due to cosmic shortcuts - through higher speed dimensions that exist for creation or existence of the multi-dimensional universe/Cosmos.

Andromeda galaxy 2.5 million lightyears away. So a lightspeed signal could have taken 2.5 million years to reach earth (probably considerably less, if true that atomic processes used to measure the second run much faster between galaxies)
Pale Blue Dot

The Pale Blue Dot is a photograph of Earth taken Feb. 14, 1990, by NASA's Voyager 1 at a distance of 3.7 billion miles (6 billion kilometers) from the Sun.

Let alone 2.5 million light years of Andromeda (2.5 x10^6 * 3x10^8/1000 (kms) * {31,536,000 secs}) (probably considerably less, if true that atomic processes used to measure the second run much faster between galaxies)"

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ross_128_b (good surface temp)
Even our closest neighbouring star is still 4.25 lightyears away.
We know life can't live on sun-stars, only goldilocks planets which life seekers hope to be among the significantly more distant systems - perhaps including the Centaurus system around 500+ lightyears away)
Nearest Exoplanets wikipedia
Habitable Exoplanets wikipedia
4.25*3x10^8/1000(kms) * 31,536,000(secs) {365 * 24 * 60 * 60 secs}=
40.208,4*10^12 km, or
40.2084 trillion kms.
(good surface temp)
11.03*3x10^8/1000(kms) * 31,536,000(secs) {365 * 24 * 60 * 60 secs}=
104.35*10^12 km, or
104.35 trillion kms.
Trappist Planet/s
39.5*3x10^8 /1000(kms)* 31,536,000(secs) {365 * 24 * 60 * 60} =
373.7 * 10^12 or
373.7 trillion kms.
500*3x10^8 /1000(kms)* 31,536,000(secs) {365 * 24 * 60 * 60} =
4.7304 * 10^15 kilometers, or
4.7304 thousand trillion kms.
(probably considerably less, if true that atomic processes used to measure the second run much faster between interstellar bodies, but that would mean the universe isn't eons old, so no "old" aliens or their society would exist, nor evolution time frames)

Compared with 6 billion kms or 6*10^9 kms for our pale blue dot.

A recent example of space rocks, Oumuamua's speed when it passed by earth is 109,609 mph (~49 kilometers per second).
Nearest Exoplanets wikipedia
Habitable Exoplanets wikipedia
40.208,4*10^12 km, or
40.2084 trillion kms.
(good surface temp)
104.35*10^12 km, or
104.35 trillion kms.
Trappist Planets
373*10^12, or
373 trillion kms.
4.7304 * 10^15 kilometers,
4.7304 thousand trillion kms.

So, for an equivalent space rock to be hypothetically involved in panspermia (quantum energy -- as DNA seeding of earth), from potential candidate exoplanets or their moons (not sun-stars), the nearest ?potential exoplanet? will be
40.2084 *10^12 kms. 40.2084 trillion km (or less if interstellar light or matter travel time is faster) / ~49 km/sec = 820.58 *10^9secs to Proxima_Centauri system
@ 31,536,000(secs/earth year) {365 * 24 * 60 * 60},
So it's 26,020 earth years away for a space rock like Oumuamua to reach earth from a potential Proxima exoplanet? (hospitable? to life).
(good surface temp)
104.35*10^12 km / ~49 km/sec
@ 31,536,000 (secs/earth yr) {365 * 24 * 60 * 60}
So it's 67,529 earth years away for a space rock like Oumuamua to reach earth from a potential Ross_128_b exoplanet (hospitable? to life).
Centaurus system
4.7304 * 10^15 km (or less if interstellar light or matter travel time is faster) / ~49 k/sec = 96.539*10^12 secs to Centaurus system.
@ 31,536,000(secs/earth yr) {365 * 24 * 60 * 60},
So it's 3,061,224 years, or 3.061 million earth years away for a space rock like Oumuamua to reach earth from a potential exoplanet? (hospitable? to life).
Alternative space rock/s likely take longer, at reduced velocity.

(wikipedia) cosmologists hypothesize that Earth hasn't been around more than four+ billion years (no one can really know as accelerated isotope decay occurs in hot hydroxy fluid+gas [electrified/plasma hot salt water during Earth's formation eg :- Gen 1:2 And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Gen 1:3 Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light/plasma], and more importantly, some earth dating suggests no organisms existed until very recently - http://apologeticspress.org/). The Voyager probes have shown that planets within our solar system aren't in a goldilocks zone. Probably the same goes for Proxima and Centaurus systems.
With our nearest neighbouring galaxy being 2.5 million light years, ?for candidate habitable planets? Andromeda 2.5 million l.y. * 3x10^8/1000 (kms) * 31,536,000(secs) {365 * 24 * 60 * 60} =
2.3652*10^19 kms or 23.652 million trillion kms (or less if interstellar light or matter travel time is faster) / ~49 km/sec (Oumuamua speed example) =
4.8269387755102*10^17 secs to Andromeda system.
@ 31,536,000(secs/earth year) {365 * 24 * 60 * 60},
15.306 * 10^9 or
15.306 billion years to Andromeda galaxy (Oumuamua speed example) Again, some earth dating suggests no organisms existed until very recently - http://apologeticspress.org/). Andromeda being too far away to seed our younger Earth, and still younger Earth organisms.

Added to the travel distance issue, the likelihood of a space rock becoming super-heated when exiting an exoplanet system's gravity, in which life and atmosphere are allegedly sustainable, or for any non-planetary "space" rock to plunge through earth's atmosphere (for example heating of space shuttle heat shield -- which only has a reentry speed of 8 km/sec not ~49 km/sec of a space rock; or any fiery space rock plunging to earth) is a compelling limiting factor. Any DNA or chemicals would be destroyed, as if they'd been put into a hot furnace (both exiting an exoplanet atmosphere, and/or entering Earth's atmosphere, or passing nearby to a sun-star). Even if buried deep inside a space rock, like Oumuamua. Then there's the lack of oxygen and nutrients to keep DNA alive during the very long travel, particularly once super-heated, or supposedly only lightly incased in the space rock -- with corresponding heating.
If an alleged space rock was ejected from a collapsing exoplanet then there's another heating issue, not unlike supernovas.

For the enormous travel distances of an alleged space rock, (from a life sustaining exoplanet say 11 light years away ie 104.35 trillion kms), the probability of traveling to Earth's pale blue dot (seen 6 billion kilometers from our Sun) is very difficult to conceive of.

Excerpt https://god-help.org
Can material craft, it's power supply, life support & creature airconditioning (for thousands of years), cargo+bulk food&drink, atmosphere, and occupants be made invisible ? If matter is made of quantum energy, would it take the equivalent of the large hadron collider or a nuclear explosion to transform bulk matter into bulk energy, and then could we reverse that process ? Could we reconstitute it all at will at a later time - while preserving that bulk matter or energy, atmosphere, internal artificial gravity with external antigravity along with inertia or g-force management, in a viable or living state at all times ?

Biblically it's mentioned that nonmaterial angels and chariots exist, that can be either humanly invisible or visible. And near death experiences are stated to include invisible soul/people viewing the visible world, with the out-of-body person being reality. We notice that a OoB person isn't transforming matter into quantum energy as the soul slightly preexists our embryonic body, & DNA is made of quantum energy that is shaped by our soul -- ie biblically mentioned "kinds" (those kinds elude definition by "material" sciences -- partly because of not recognizing that DNA is made of quantum energy). But angels and chariot spiritual bodies, that at some point become visible to humans, start out as transforming spiritual/soul into material/visible. In contrast to alleged UFOs which are assumed to be material that then are made nonmaterial/invisible without an explosion to convert material into nonmaterial.

Humanity will be able to know if there's an allegedly cloaked (invisible quantum energy, with associated multifrequency energy signature for complex matter) ship/power supply & airconditioning/atmosphere/cargo+bulk food&drink/occupants made of matter/energy, (and not inter-dimensional, ie are conventional matter/energy, and light), by using a combined radar with scanning laser, and telescope spectroscopy plus radio frequency spectrum analyzer to see what wavelengths the complex energy are composed of. Pointed at a location where either radar and sightings or a few of it's "aliens" suggest it is, similar to the laser used to detect the distance of our moon. Since it's occupants are beings alleged, by science fiction and abductees claims, to start out as matter/energy and "light" humanity can detect their complex energy signatures, even when made into invisible bulk energy. (Angels are said to start out nonmaterial/spiritual so we wouldn't expect to be able to detect them.) If that doesn't occur for alleged aliens then their cloak will show them and their ship & material bulk food+drink, power generator, cargo, atmosphere, etc to be interdimensional, rather than material alleged aliens. Trips on their ship will be necessary to validate their claims of being material/energy and "light".
End excerpt.

Does Distant Starlight Prove the Universe Is Old? by Dr Jason Lisle
Critics of creation sometimes use distant starlight as an argument against a young universe. But when we examine this argument carefully, we will see that it does not work.

  • The Assumptions of Light Travel-time Arguments
  • The Assumption of Rigidity of Time
  • Assumptions of Synchronization
  • The Assumption of Naturalism
  • Light Travel-Time: A Self-Refuting Argument
I'm waiting for phDs to resolve the key truth about the changes in rigidity of time throughout the Cosmos, due to changes in gravity (and the warping of space-time by differing masses, according to General Relativity theory).

One interesting foray into the matter is e/book, by theoretical physicist Unzicker,
Einstein's Lost Key which discusses Relativity and a possible variable speed of light, that Einstein and other physicists also considered. Unzicker appears to describe a steady-state universe, about which we're tempted to conclude there wasn't need of a beginning. However, when considered along with the Cosmic Microwave Background CMB, we still have a remnant fairly uniformly distributed evidence of the big flash as Unzicker calls it.

People get Relativity confused because there's 2 formulations:
  • Special Relatvity - 1905 Easy time dilation due to velocity, length change, and Lorentz stuff because you're moving at some speed Einstein showed us that people experience time at different rates depending on the physical situation that person happens to be in. It came about because of a bizarre quirk in the speed of light.
  • General Relativity - 1916 More difficult. Time dilation due to gravity similar results but due to gravitational effects.

cf General Relativity: Top 05 Mishaps [inc INTERSTELLAR]

cf Gravitational Time Dilation - wikipedia


Shapiro time delay - wikipedia
Gravity Probe A

Tests of general relativity - wikipedia

How did we measure the fastest speed there is? | The History of the Speed of Light Part I

Why can't anything go faster than the speed of light? | The History of the Speed of Light Part II

The Truth Why We Can't Travel Faster Than Light thoughty2 3/9/20
He discusses time dilation, as accounted for by GPS, but only the form dealing with motion, not the form of time dilation resulting from a gravitational field or the warping of space-time by proximity to a mass according to Relativity theory. They both say that the speed of light is a constant, but that like with the mentioned wormhole - in agreement with Relativity - time itself speeds up the more distant from any mass, similar to what is thought to happen outside of the solar system and with intergalatic travel for massless photons.

It's reported that there is a 5 microsecond difference per year between the atomic clocks at Greenwich and at Boulder Colorado, apparently due to a change in gravity https://creationwiki.org/Gravitational_time_dilation It's therefore likely that outside of our solar system there is a significant difference in the seeming rigidity of time, and between galaxies that seeming rigidity of time is likely to be considerably different, in interstellar and intergalactic space.
Since atomic clocks run faster, to some uncertain extent, outside of a gravitational field, it's possible that the speed of light, at 300,000 kilometres per second, also has it's per second time altered. So a second can run faster in interstellar and intergalactic space than it does on Earth. This is hypothesized to explain why we see starlight, from vast distances away, within human time frames. And may indicate that distance measurements in light years is an imprecise description of vast distances. Measurements of upto 1000 parsecs will be interesting as they're determined by trigonometry, though the farthest done so far is only that of James Bradley in 1728, "Gamma Draconis is at a distance of 154.3 light-years (47.3 parsecs) from the Sun. But such measurements are limited to within the Milky Way galaxy, so aren't applicable to intergalactic light-years or even just outside our heliosphere, and perhaps to a lesser degree outside Earth orbit - as partially evidenced by GPS adjustments. If these musings are substantiated then the Cosmos needn't be as old as the imprecise measure of light-years could suggest. By reasoning about intergalactic and interstellar light speed, and how that makes distance / time measurements in light years questionable, we remove theorized eons upon which theorized evolution of the universe depends. As time dilation, reducing outside of large masses or gravity wells, becomes the emerging norm it will leave no room for evolution time frames, and therefore "finite controlled" ascension speculation will struggle to stay afloat too. Infinite controlled ascension speculation is authenticated by unique Bible heptadic structure, and repeatedly raising the dead on demand.
Similarly, the uniformity of the cosmic microwave background CMB could be accounted for by higher speed radiation of microwaves. Without that higher speed the uniformity of CMB has the horizon problem, not currently adequately explained. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizon_problem
Also outlined here
Gravity's effect on the flow of time in General Relativity Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky
How Gravity Affects Time | Gravity and Me | Spark Jan 2019

When theory conflicts with observation then observation prevails. We have solid observation for time dilation, viewed the further we are from any mass, so "varying in space or time" is a fact, though it isn't clear to what extent this occurs outside of our solar system or galaxy. GPS satellite adjustment for time dilation is quite interesting, and highly suggestive of significant time difference outside the solar system.

It seems mu0 and epsilon0, in a vacuum, needn't thus far be correct in free interstellar and intergalactic space. Being measured SI units, it hasn't been possible to measure them outside of our solar system or Milky Way galaxy. We can improve on those measurements by partially going beyond the immediate extent of the solar system. Something of that is also mentioned in this video which comments on time dilation for GPS measurements - https://youtu.be/Z4oy6mnkyW4 . Some clarification is here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_time_dilation and
https://www.britannica.com/science/time-dilation and
Time Dilation - Einstein's Theory Of Relativity Explained! https://youtu.be/yuD34tEpRFw

Someone stated that Einstein's equations 1916 were built on the shoulders of Maxwell's equations 1873. But in Maxwell's and Einstein's times we weren't able to measure or theorize about permeability0 or permittivity0 outside our Milky Way galaxy or perhaps our solar system. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_of_light#Measurement ) Why is the speed of light what it is? Maxwell equations vizualised.

It's clear that the speed of light has only been measured within our Milky Way galaxy, so we can't be scientifically certain what it's speed is in the weak gravitational field of intergalactic space (and there may be some variation within interstellar space too). The farthest measurement is stated to be that of James Bradley in 1728, "Gamma Draconis is at a distance of 154.3 light-years (47.3 parsecs) from the Sun,[1] as determined by parallax measurements from the Hipparcos astrometry satellite" ie well within the stated 100,000 light year diameter of the Milky Way.

Measurements of upto 1000 parsecs will be valid as they're determined by trigonometry. But such measurements are limited to within the Milky Way galaxy, so aren't applicable to intergalactic light-years/speed. Again similarly, "We can be confident from physical parallax measurements using simple trigonometry, by the Hubble Space Telescope, that at least a "size"/distance up to a maximum of about 1000 parsecs or 3,260 light years(for parallax measurements) can be used for Stellar Aberration measurements for stars in our galaxy, ie still within the Milky Way."

Also General Relativity predicts that time dilation occurs ("varying in space or time") the closer to any mass. GPS satellite adjustment for time dilation is quite interesting, and highly suggestive of significant time dilation, viewed outside the solar system. see https://youtu.be/Z4oy6mnkyW4 General Relativity: Top 05 Mishaps [inc INTERSTELLAR].
We know that GPS satellites are adjusted for time dilation, https://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/pogge.1/Ast162/Unit5/gps.html, so any testing for that can improve on those adjustments the further we go from Earth orbit. Eventually a more ideal time dilation test will be done in interstellar space, but in the meantime we can improve on currently known results as we go incrementally further from Earth, out into the solar system away from the Sun and planets beyond the heliosphere.
"... the satellites are in orbits high above the Earth, where the curvature of spacetime due to the Earth's mass is less than it is at the Earth's surface. A prediction of General Relativity is that clocks closer to a massive object will seem to tick more slowly than those located further away (see the Black Holes lecture). As such, when viewed from the surface of the Earth, the clocks on the satellites appear to be ticking faster than identical clocks on the ground. A calculation using General Relativity predicts that the clocks in each GPS satellite should get ahead of ground-based clocks by 45 microseconds per day. ...
The engineers who designed the GPS system included these relativistic effects when they designed and deployed the system. For example, to counteract the General Relativistic effect once in orbit, the onboard clocks were designed to "tick" at a slower frequency than ground reference clocks, so that once they were in their proper orbit stations their clocks would appear to tick at about the correct rate as compared to the reference atomic clocks at the GPS ground stations."

Again, when theory conflicts with observation then observation prevails.

If we aspire to lead internationally in our scientific society we are required to emulate the rigor of modern cultures, not dealing in half truths, however unintentional. Sloppy scholarship is a recipe for crisis of confidence and counterfeit pet theories, not untypical of what cause youth to abandon church once they go to university. Discussion documents are alright, no one has all the insights, but where there's rigor available, discussion ought to address it's pros and cons in a well reasoned and logical - key issues - manner, and ebook, that reduces susceptibility to half truths, in the international community. Such an effort can require input from special interest folks or forums, to manage unknowns and the work.


https://www.skywatchtv.com/2021/06/22/dimensional/ UAP UFOs seem extradimensional rather than extraterrestrial

Atomic Clocks Are Reinventing Time Bloomberg Quicktake 20/2/21

How Atomic Clocks Work Dom Burgess 2017

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