Aliens-UFOsUAP.html | Artificial Intelligence Surveyed.html |
Factors.exe | Imagine.mp4 |
SealOfGod.pdf | SealOfGod.txt |
Archaeology-Megaliths.html | Star-Gazing.html | | |
Drinking Water Contamination |
Gluten/Obesity/Inflammation/ Microbiome/Leaky Gut |
Nitric Oxide, Nitrates, Specialist Dr Nathan Bryan |
Neurologist on Alzheimer's & our Biomes, Toxins, Insulin, etc |
G20 announces plan to impose digital currencies and ids worldwide | G20 Nations Imposing Cashless Digital ID | |
?Curious Sabbatical Prophetic Timeline for Discussion? |
Mark of The Beast ?? The forerunner, setting the stage where no one may buy or sell unless they have the (cashless) ID, starting with this soft sell, and setting the stage for UN agenda 21/25/30, which ?may be a form of progress?, but only needs to work ? Initially the digital ID may not be that MoTB but it paves the way for it - like no other agenda, (as super or quantum computer AI gains hold of society and deepfake etc become the norm). A question hanging over cryptocurrencies (cashless society) like Bitcoin is, what effect emerging quantum computer code breaking will mean for cryptocurrencies ? |
Angels & Evolution
Click To Read This
The supernatural origins of humanity is deduced from the frontiers of quantum physics, angels, with "cosmic shortcuts", and Near Death out of body Experiences NDEs (see video Daniel Ekechukwu - below, and video Ian McCormack Glimpse of Eternity - below); along with the rationale for "cosmic shortcuts". Because belief in the frontiers of quantum physics, inter-dimensional near death experiences, our body/soul/spirit, and angels set a precedent for belief that the multi-dimensional Cosmos was also created beyond our natural / materialism's laws. In response to Richard Dawkin's statement: "DNA neither cares nor knows. DNA just is." River Out Of Eden. p. 133 : There's questions such as : Where did all the information come from for DNA/RNA, what is energy and Life, how does quantum physics apply to DNA, what constitutes intellect / mind / personality - as is purported to also be required of angels, and that of our own body / soul / spirit,
why don't identical twins have identical personalities - is it due to copy-number-variations even from their earliest age and for every pair of twins on Earth, what are instincts intuition and inspiration, what is imagination and choice, how do DNA and quantum physics give rise to thoughts and what is concentration, what is language and why does it differ so widely, how do angels employ these things, how does the brain work and how does quantum physics apply to the brain, quite a lot of profound mysteries that evolution glosses over.
Quantum Biology: Irreducible Mind (Part 4)
It's deduced that we were created supernaturally not by naturalism's random materialistic processes. If you explain angels as having their origins through supernatural laws, ("without having any regard for physics, reality, etc."), no longer is "naturalism" the only laws at work in the universe. A precedent is set which can apply for the origins of humanity, our body, soul & spirit too. Spiritual people, and those who assume the existence of angels, cannot have it both ways with a false dichotomy that argues for a purely naturalistic origins of humanity - theistic evolution - while accepting we have a spirit, mind, intelligence, personality - which originated like that of angels. No longer is "naturalism" the only laws at work in the universe, to explain our body, soul, and spirit requires supernatural origins for humanity. If angels and supernatural laws or occasional scientifically impossible feats ?are in fact reality? then much that we know about the universe needs reviewing. See more analysis of this below - contrasting the natural and supernatural.
Have you considered below unexplained supernatural events ?
Does Distant Starlight Prove the Universe Is Old? by Dr Jason Lisle cf
General Relativity: Top 05 Mishaps [inc INTERSTELLAR]
Gravitational Time Dilation - wikipedia wiki/Viking_1
Shapiro time delay - wikipedia
Tests of general relativity - wikipedia
How did we measure the fastest speed there is? | The History of the Speed of Light Part I
Why can't anything go faster than the speed of light? | The History of the Speed of Light Part II
The Truth Why We Can't Travel Faster Than Light thoughty2 3/9/20
It's reported that there is a 5 microsecond difference per year between the atomic clocks at Greenwich and at Boulder Colorado, apparently due to a change in gravity / Gravitational time dilation
Pascal's Wager - There Is A God & After-Life
Click To Read This
Critics of creation sometimes use distant starlight as an argument
against a young universe. But when we examine this argument carefully, we will see that it does not work.
I'm waiting for phDs to resolve the key truth about the changes in rigidity of time throughout the Cosmos, due to changes in gravity (and the warping of space-time by differing masses, according to General Relativity theory).
One interesting foray into the matter is e/book, by theoretical physicist Unzicker,
Einstein's Lost Key which discusses Relativity and a possible variable speed of light, that Einstein and other physicists also considered. Unzicker appears to describe a steady-state universe, about which we're tempted to conclude there wasn't need of a beginning. However, when considered along with the Cosmic Microwave Background CMB, we still have a remnant fairly uniformly distributed evidence of the big flash as Unzicker calls it.
People get Relativity confused because there's 2 formulations:
Gravity Probe A - wikipedia wiki/Maxwell %27s_equations - is the speed of light (i.e. phase velocity) in a medium with permeability mu0, and permittivity epsilon0. In a vacuum, vp = c0 = 299,792,458 meters per second, a fundamental physical constant.
Electromagnetic wave equation - is the speed of light (i.e. phase velocity) in a medium with permeability mu0, and permittivity epsilon0. In a vacuum, vph = c0 = 299,792,458 meters per second, a fundamental physical constant
Permeability of free space, measured in a vacuum
mu0 = 1.25663706212(19)x10-6 H/m
Permittivity of free space
epsilon0 = 8.854,187,8176x10-12
ie the speed of light /wiki/ Vacuum_permeability / wiki/Permittivity
It seems mu and epsilon, in a vacuum, needn't thus far be correct in free interstellar and intergalactic space. Being measured SI units, it hasn't been possible to measure them outside of our solar system or Milky Way galaxy. Nevertheless, we can improve on those measurements by partially going beyond the immediate extent of the solar system.
[The furthest lightspeed measurement is stated to be that of James Bradley in 1728, "Gamma Draconis is at a distance of 154.3 lightyears (47.3 parsecs) from the Sun,[1] as determined by parallax measurements from the Hipparcos astrometry satellite" ie well within the stated 100,000 light year diameter of the Milky Way. That rough or broad lightspeed measurement is well outside our solar system, but going incrementally further from Earth will give us enough evidence to show that lightspeed outside the Milky Way must be considerably faster (because time itself ie the second is faster)].
Something of that is also mentioned in this video which comments on GPS measurements /Z4oy6mnkyW4
Someone stated that Einstein's equations 1916 were built on the shoulders of Maxwell's equations 1873. But in Maxwell's and Einstein's times we weren't able to measure or theorize about anything outside our galaxy. ( /wiki/ Speed_of_ light#Measurement )
Why is the speed of light what it is? Maxwell equations visualized.
( An aside - For the curious intellectual, here is a proposed revised concept of the ether, in relation to GPS satellites ftp/physics/papers/0502/ 0502007.pdf 5.8 Summary of etherdragging hypothesis )
He discusses time dilation, as accounted for by GPS, but only the form dealing with motion, not the form of time dilation resulting from a gravitational field or the warping of space-time by proximity to a mass according to Relativity theory. They both say that the speed of light is a constant, but that like with the mentioned wormhole - in agreement with Relativity - time itself speeds up the more distant from any mass, similar to what is thought to happen outside of the solar system and with intergalatic travel for massless photons.
It's therefore likely that outside of our solar system there is a significant difference in the seeming rigidity of time, and between galaxies that seeming rigidity of time is likely to be considerably different, in interstellar and intergalactic space.
Since atomic clocks run faster, to some uncertain extent, outside of a gravitational field, it's possible that the speed of light, at 300,000 kilometres per second, also has it's per second time altered. So a second runs faster in interstellar and intergalactic space than it does on Earth. This is hypothesized to explain why we see starlight, from vast distances away, within human time frames. And may indicate that distance measurements in light years is an imprecise description of vast distances. Measurements of upto 1000 parsecs will be interesting as they're determined by trigonometry. But such measurements are limited to within the Milky Way galaxy, so aren't applicable to intergalactic light-years. If these musings are substantiated then the Cosmos needn't be as old as the imprecise measure of light-years could suggest.
By reasoning about intergalactic and interstellar light speed, and how that makes distance / time measurements in light years questionable, we remove theorized eons upon which theorized evolution of the universe depends. As time dilation, reducing outside of large masses or gravity wells, becomes the emerging norm it will leave no room for evolution time frames, and therefore "finite controlled" ascension speculation will struggle to stay afloat too. Infinite controlled ascension speculation is authenticated by unique Bible heptadic structure, and repeatedly raising the dead on demand.
Similarly, the uniformity of the cosmic microwave background CMB could be accounted for by higher speed(faster seconds) radiation of microwaves. Without that higher speed the uniformity of CMB has the horizon problem, not currently adequately explained. /wiki/ Horizon_problem
Also outlined here
Gravity's effect on the flow of time in General Relativity Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky
How Gravity Affects Time | Gravity and Me | Spark Jan 2019
Variable speed of light theories /wiki/ Variable_speed_of_light
I may never fully understand theoretical physics/astrophysics and don't know what the answer is to /wiki/ Variable_speed_of_light - about gravitational constant G and the Finestructure constant. Why can't you go faster than light? Fermilab 2017 A2JCoIGyGxc
Quantum Gravity: How quantum mechanics ruins Einstein's general relativity Arvin Ash Oct 2020 S3Wtat5QNUA
When theory conflicts with observation then observation prevails. We have solid observation for time dilation, viewed the further we are from any mass, so "varying in space or time" is a fact, though it isn't clear to what extent this occurs outside of our solar system or galaxy. GPS satellite adjustment for time dilation is quite interesting, and highly suggestive of significant time difference outside the solar system.
How does time dilation figure in to initially lower mass water/planets, when time was faster than when in close proximity to ?sooner or later? planets having greater mass ? I was raised in a subculture that was inclined towards 7 day creation, but we don't know what speed atomic processes were running at before substantial time dilation could occur, so what constituted a "day", **before light and darkness/night or creatures or the Sun existed**.
The Hebrew clearly holds to a seven day week and sabbath (Exodus 20:11), so we have work to do to reconcile that with the reduced time dilation, before light and darkness/night or creatures or the Sun existed.
When light was separated from darkness (or night) was that when 24 hour days began ? Before that, there was, biblically, only "the deep", which would have been water/planet/s, "hovering over the face of the waters."
I've done all I know how to thus far, and defer to phDs for building on other questions raised. My ADD prevents me remembering enough theory to master others physics questions, i'm out of my depth on theoretical physics.
It seems mu0 and epsilon0, in a vacuum, needn't thus far be correct in free interstellar and intergalactic space. Being measured SI units, it hasn't been possible to measure them outside of our solar system or Milky Way galaxy. We can improve on those measurements by partially going beyond the immediate extent of the solar system. Something of that is also mentioned in this video which comments on time dilation for GPS measurements Z4oy6mnkyW4
Some clarification is here /wiki/ Gravitational time dilation and /science/time-dilation
and Time Dilation - Einstein's Theory Of Relativity Explained! /yuD34tEpRFw
Someone stated that Einstein's equations 1916 were built on the shoulders of Maxwell's equations 1873. But in Maxwell's and Einstein's times we weren't able to measure or theorize about permeability0 or permittivity0 outside our Milky Way galaxy or perhaps our solar system. ( wiki/ Speed_of_ light#Measurement ) Why is the speed of light what it is?
Maxwell equations visualized.
It's clear that the speed of light has only been measured within our Milky Way galaxy, so we can't be scientifically certain what it's speed is in the weak gravitational field of intergalactic space (and there may be some variation within interstellar space too). The furthest measurement is stated to be that of James Bradley in 1728, "Gamma Draconis is at a distance of 154.3 lightyears (47.3 parsecs) from the Sun,[1] as determined by parallax measurements from the Hipparcos astrometry satellite", ie well within the stated 100,000 light year diameter of the Milky Way. /wiki/Gamma_Draconis /wiki/James_Bradley
Measurements of upto 1000 parsecs will be valid as they're determined by trigonometry. But such measurements are limited to within the Milky Way galaxy, so aren't applicable to intergalactic light-years/speed. Again similarly, "We can be confident from physical parallax measurements using simple trigonometry, by the Hubble Space Telescope, that at least a "size"/distance up to a maximum of about 1000 parsecs or 3,260 light years (for parallax measurements) can be used for Stellar Aberration measurements for stars in our galaxy, ie still within the Milky Way."
Also General Relativity predicts that time dilation occurs ("varying in space or time") the closer to any mass. GPS satellite adjustment for time dilation is quite interesting, and highly suggestive of significant time dilation, viewed from outside the solar system.
see /Z4oy6mnkyW4
General Relativity: Top 05 Mishaps [inc INTERSTELLAR].
We know that GPS satellites are adjusted for time dilation, /pogge.1/Ast162 /Unit5/gps.html, so any testing for that can improve on those adjustments the further we go from Earth orbit. Eventually a more ideal time dilation test will be done in interstellar space, but in the meantime we can improve on currently known results as we go incrementally further from Earth, out into the solar system away from the Sun and planets beyond the heliopause.
"... the satellites are in orbits high above the Earth, where the curvature of spacetime due to the Earth's mass is less than it is at the Earth's surface. A prediction of General Relativity is that clocks closer to a massive object will seem to tick more slowly than those located further away (see the Black Holes lecture). As such, when viewed from the surface of the Earth, the clocks on the satellites appear to be ticking faster than identical clocks on the ground. A calculation using General Relativity predicts that the clocks in each GPS satellite should get ahead of ground-based clocks by 45 microseconds per day. ...
The engineers who designed the GPS system included these relativistic effects when they designed and deployed the system. For example, to counteract the General Relativistic effect once in orbit, the onboard clocks were designed to "tick" at a slower frequency than ground reference clocks, so that once they were in their proper orbit stations their clocks would appear to tick at about the correct rate as compared to the reference atomic clocks at the GPS ground stations."
ie the speed of light
Again, when theory conflicts with observation then observation prevails. /general-relativity/Time dilation is
Given above that time dilation t' includes c^2, which can be calculated from mu0 and epsilon0, we know that time dilation also depends on permeability and permittivity of free space. Time (dilated) will vary with respect to c, the further it is viewed from any mass. where...
t = duration of an event in the gravitational field of some object (a planet, a sun, a black hole)
t' = duration of the same event when viewed from infinitely far away (a hypothetical location where the gravitational field is zero)
m = mass of the gravitating object
r = distance from the gravitating object to where the event is occurring (their separation)
c = speed of light in a vacuum (a universal, and apparently unchanging constant)
G = universal gravitational constant (another universal, and apparently unchanging constant)
In Einstein's theory of relativity, space and time became a thing - a thing that could do stuff like expand, contract, shear, and warp (or bend or curve).
Speed of light#Measurement
Why can't you go faster than light? Fermilab 2017
We know for certain that time slows down in proximity to any mass, and in ( Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity it says that [15mins 7secs] in black holes spacetime curvature becomes infinite and time stops altogether), and conversely time is faster away from all mass. It's not clear to me if the permeability and permittivity of free space might possibly be different outside of any gravitational field, and similarly we can't be sure if gravitational constant G and the Finestructure constant vary. Someone said that Relativity theory includes the possibility of wormholes, where travelling through space is much quicker. (Will Wormholes Allow Fast Interstellar Travel? PBS Space Time July 2020 youtube) If that's a real scientific possibility according to Relativity theory then time itself could also speed up the further away from any mass.
As an aside, if a constant speed of light/time is found not to apply, the further we go from any mass, then Relativity may need reviewing ? If that can be validated then the idea or philosophy that everything is relative - and nothing is absolute (including that statement) - may need reviewing too ? It's tricky, but as a heuristic/rule of thumb we know that God endowed purpose or function are reasonable guides for our "norms"; otherwise the rule of law becomes humanly arbitrary, and the survival of the strongest where the ends justify the means is all that exists - without a meaningful notion of conscience.
Atomic Clocks Are Reinventing Time Bloomberg Quicktake 20/2/21
How Atomic Clocks Work
Dom Burgess 2017 /l8CI3bs9rvY
As an aside, we may need to explore any effect, of change in the atomic processes and speed of light well outside any gravity well/s, (and the Standard Model of physics), on the redshift of galaxies.
Frequency (f) and wavelength (lambda) are joined by the equation
, where c is the speed of light. As the speed of light is ?constant?, if you increase the frequency, the wavelength must decrease to maintain this equation and vice versa. This means that the relationship between frequency and wavelength is inversely proportional.
( /physics/wavelength )
Changes in c (ie speed of atomic processes used to measure c), due to changes in proximity to gravity wells, may impact the standard model and starlight in some previously unanticipated way.
In other words, it's ?potentially? possible that starlight's reduced frequency towards the red end of the spectrum (redshift) ?may? be associated with faster atomic/shorter time processes, and is ?less to do? with the speed at which galaxies are receding from us - or may be a compound effect ? It needs more investigation.
We're reminded that the hypothetical Big Bang claims that everything originated from and are constituted of quantum energy. (A Brief History Of Time. Stephen Hawking. p 136) "In
quantum theory, particles can be created out of energy in the form of particle / antiparticle pairs", ie matter and antimatter - per the standard model of quarks leptons and bosons.
Beyond the Higgs: What's Next for the LHC? [23 mins]
The Large Hadron Collider reduces all matter to quanta. And photons/light have recently been shown to have quantum entanglement, at least over a distance of
143kms. The
University of Vienna's experiment, published in PNAS, separated the particles even farther. Using a massive detector between the Canary Islands of La Palma and Tenerife, it separated the particles by 143 kilometres.
Quantum Entanglement: Spooky Action at a Distance
Inter-dimensional and material beings would rely on those dimensions or mechanisms of our Cosmos to rapidly move around - which mechanism would have existed before any creatures did, for the universe's/Cosmos's own existence & creation.
Physicists explore Einsteins spooky quantum entanglement.
Research on quantum entanglement as it relates to gravity.
It is thought, "old" aliens could not exist in a universe dated by the existence of it's own rapid travel mechanism.
Panspermia must be out too. Any events seem likely to be low-life (abduction) fallen angels, reported to be masquerading as "old" grays.
Ancient material multiverse/s are similarly ruled out by inter-dimensional travel speed too.
Have you considered The Case For A Creator Ch 6 - youtube for the many scientifically determined factors required for life to exist on a rare, maybe
uniquely, habitable planet ? (or perhaps the
book may be of interest)
Also, from a Biblical reference point, the angels & Christ? that met with
Abraham on the way to Sodom had a meal with Abraham, they were part of that time+space (Genesis 18:2-8). Genesis 19:10 "But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door." They were part of that time+space to physically handle Lot - yet had come from heaven.
God And Stephen Hawking -
Whose Design Is It Anyway ? by Dr John Lennox. Heavy weights in philosophy
get down to the facts in cosmological views. A real eye opener, in lay person's
Dr John Lennox's Superb Books
Dr John Lennox's Website
Without biblically true Holy Spirit inspired spiritual 'discernment' and accompanying faith, one can not know for 'certain' that God, an afterlife, heaven or hell exist; we aim for being 'beyond reasonable doubt' (Christian Apologetics N Geisler pp 128, 293, 314, 315) (Tit 2:13 looking for the blessed hope). Evidences seen here and at other philosophical / apologetics websites give us confidence (have you considered Compelling Info.)
God gives enough proof to satisfy any reasonable person who is willing to
submit to the truth, but not enough to convince the proud skeptic who is bent on unbelief. Renowned Harvard law professor Simon Greenleaf observed:
"Christianity does not profess to convince the perverse and head-strong, to bring irresistible evidence to the daring and profane, to vanquish the proud scorner, and afford evidences from
which the careless and perverse cannot possibly escape. This might go to destroy man's responsibility. All that Christianity professes, is to propose such evidences as may satisfy the meek, the tractable, the candid, the
serious inquirer" (The Testimony of the Evangelists Examined by the Rules of Evidence).
(An Unshakeable Faith p 17)
For a more academic and philosophically sound study of what is Truth
have you considered the book Christian Apologetics
by N. Geisler.
Starlight, Time and the New Physics - an excellent read
or Kindle eBook Edition
Origins - Cosmic evidence For a Young World with Dr. Russell Humphreys
The Creation Answers Book - answers for many riddles
Beyond Opinion Challenges From Science - Google Books
- an excellent read for Dr John Lennox's in-depth analysis of Science's boundaries or limitations
Beyond Opinion: Living the Faith
We Defend (
2 videos for the technically inclined about genetics, cellular information, and simple statistical truths
There are testimonies about raising people back to life who were dead for a notable amount of time, and remarkable healing's (those being less controversial than most are), which most likely could not have been done without the power of God through His Spirit (for those specific examples).
Have you considered the best video
Daniel Ekechukwu ?
Daniel Ekechukwu Reports
There is a little controversy in Christian circles about Daniel's description of the afterlife.
A thought provoking discussion can be found here about heaven and hell.
Daniel Ekechukwu claims personally
verified by leader.
The video appears to show a death certificate or mortuary notice from Dr Josse (3 mins 20-40 secs). He claims to have used a stethoscope and there were no sounds from Daniel's heart, his pupils were fixed and dilated. The mortician also confirms that Daniel was stiff and lifeless (4 mins 30-48 secs), and so he partially began the poisonous embalming procedure. Others thought he was a corpse too.
This isn't the same as other near death experiences. It's doubtful that other religions have a comparable example, can someone cite one with details that are as good as this - or only lesser NDE's ?
What is the time limit for one's heart to be stopped, (3 days is mentioned ie Daniel died on 30 Nov 2001 and his corpse was taken to the church on 2 Dec 2001), but still stiff, with pupils fixed and dilated and body stiff and lifeless so as to partially begin embalming, before the damage of that overrides testing for a flatline with an EEG ? Clinical death - wikipedia. There must be a limit to how long the heart can be stopped before brain and maybe heart damage becomes significant.
Do you think if he'd spent a notable amount of time in the mortuary after being driven around the area, (with what a number of people believed to be a corpse), that Daniel would have suffered significant brain damage since his heart had stopped - as attested by the doctor and mortician, and he was stiff and lifeless so as to begin partial embalming ? Yet he revived, back to perfect health, despite previously having crashed into the steering wheel and windscreen at some speed, which later caused breathing difficulties serious enough to warn his wife of impending death.
An important goal of true wide spread spirituality is to resolve large scale entropy, and false spirituality can't do that on a large scale. False spirituality is based on sloppy scholarship or near enough is good enough. We humans often unsuspectingly trust and fall for "the grass being greener" in some new direction, but we then climb our ladder/s of success only to find - sometimes too late - it was leaning against the wrong wall. We need to be in touch with God who makes the grass grow, and green; and some measure of critical Bible based thinking is our ally, like the noble Bereans who cross checked everything with scripture. Matt 4:4 Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'", all else succumbing to entropy. The Bible teaches us to test the spirits of wannabe emperor/leaders to make sure - in time - that their advocacy and direction conforms with suprema/sola scriptura (wikipedia) or Suprema/Sola Scriptura Book - ie Bible proof texts and associated doctrines based on world wide scholarship from conservative orthodoxy only the Bible has inspired heptadic structure. Wide is the road of deception and many that follow it. Our spiritual guidance is of the utmost importance and not subject to political expediency or whims and financial considerations, like empire building that ignores God/Jesus. For a more complete treatment of our spiritual direction and convictions, have you considered Afterlife.html ? A key to understanding authentic saving faith is here.
To distinguish true spirituality from all counterfeits, or
look-alikes, have you considered False Supernatural ?
Occult spirituality can't repeatedly raise the dead like Jesus on demand miracles did and doesn't gain an afterlife for us.
There's no solution to "entropy" through some wannabe emperor/leaders. Christ can only subdue large scale entropy when invited to if we fulfill all His teachings - such as
found at sites linked to by
We have to beware of counterfeit Christ wannabes, (the anti/pseudo-Christs), who can't repeatedly raise the dead on demand -- one-off NDE's are interesting but not in the same league as Christ -- and have made or make fine sounding Christ-like pronouncements that don't have the equivalent
of the Bible's heptadic structure showing Holy Spirit inspiration.
If supernatural laws or scientifically impossible feats ?are in fact reality? then much that we know about the universe needs reviewing.
By supposed lack of evidence, one or two assume we know much that there is to know about science and the universe. There's no doubt more yet to be discovered. It's not like science has a theory of everything,
science really is still relatively recent on the timeline of human achievements.
As we all know, we live by the axiom that the truth, and the devil, is invariably
in the details, the bleeding edge of human knowledge and wisdom, for which critical
thinking and learning proves essential, as long as it doesn't contravene biblical
truths (have you considered Compelling
Info.) As is commonly said, a little knowledge (or even a good amount) can be
a dangerous thing. As far as the so called 'science' of origins is concerned, the
jury ever remains out on partial evidence, with profound mysteries, for which
sampling errors and successive approximation dominate.
Something that may clarify our thinking on the so called 'science' of origins is
to point to the claim that human knowledge increases exponentially over time
(for example try and read all the books and websites on offer). It's perhaps part
of the reason that God tells us we walk by faith more than by sight. It's virtually
impossible to know the majority of details in many subjects of science, no one can
be an all knowing mathematician / biologist / microbiologist / chemist / physicist /
nuclear physicist / astrophysicist / philosopher and all the fields of science. Humanity
never will know it all, there are many profound mysteries; though there are some, in
the so called 'science' of orgins that have been able to get away with faking it for
too long.
Where did all the information come from for DNA/RNA, what is
energy and Life, how does quantum physics apply to DNA, what constitutes intellect
/ mind / personality - as is purported to also be required of angels, and that of our own body / soul / spirit,
why don't identical twins have identical personalities - is it due to copy-number-variations
even from their earliest age and for every pair of twins on Earth, what are instincts intuition and
inspiration, what is imagination and choice, how do DNA and quantum physics give rise to thoughts and what is concentration, what is language and why does it differ so widely, how do angels employ these things, how does the brain work and how does quantum physics apply to the brain, quite a lot of profound mysteries that evolution glosses over.
Another question is, how on earth did God confuse the tongues at the tower of
Babel ? (eSword Genesis 11:9) There's a real mystery about human language that
humanity doesn't really comprehend yet. It has been suggested that there may be
a real connection (perhaps supernatural) between language and the things of God.
The Case For A Creator excerpts on Youtube.
Can we recommend -
The Case For Christ, The Case For a Creator, The Case For Faith 3-DVD Collection
(They may require a multizone DVD player if not in the US, otherwise the books may be of interest)
The Case For Christ book,
The Case for a Creator book,
The Case for Faith book
The Kingdom Of The Occult by Dr Walter Martin
The authoritative reference. Occult spirituality can't repeatedly raise the dead like Jesus on demand miracles did, and doesn't gain an afterlife for us.
To distinguish true spirituality from all counterfeits, or look-alikes, have you considered False Supernatural ?
Chatting with Jesus - If A J Miller (or anyone else that wannabe emperor so called spiritual leaders) say they allegedly speak or have spoken as for
God / gods or Jesus (anti/pseudo-Christs) one might ask if this speech is supernaturally
inspired, as testified to by the modern day equivalent of Bible heptadic structure
and possibly? equidistant letter sequences (ELS - wikipedia) ?
For more on numerics & ELS, have you considered
The Seal of God and Cosmic Codes ? If there were gods then they would need to be infinite in order to be able to resolve entropy throughout our Cosmos. If they can't repeatedly raise the dead on demand then they're not gods, just creatures like the rest of humanity, with no possibility of giving us an afterlife. Claims like that are so called spiritual texts that don't have heptadic structure, eg the mormon and other human texts, and beings that don't have any evidence of divinity, namely heptadic's and repeatedly raising the dead, or other proofs of being infinite, not finite. Similarly, if so called ascended beings exist on Earth they would need to be infinite, to repeatedly raise the dead, etc like so called gods, otherwise they can't resolve large scale entropy, throughout the Cosmos, nor offer us an afterlife (fallen angels masquerading as other beings or so called aliens).
The Kingdom Of The Cults by Dr Walter Martin
The authoritative reference work on major cult systems for nearly forty years.
Mat 16:13 And coming into the parts of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus asked His disciples, saying, Who do men say Me to be, the Son of Man? Mat 16:14 And they said, Some say, John the Baptist; some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. Mat 16:15 He said to them, But who do you say I am? Mat 16:16 And Simon Peter answered and said, You are the Christ(Messiah), the Son of the living God.
The best deceptions often contain a lot of truth, interlaced subtly with error/s, as many scientists usually know - including when the sampling errors and approximations of statistics are involved. It comes down to whether we're going to trust / put our faith in God, or Fog - the all seeing eye's theories [full of holes and many unanswered profound mysteries described above].
Have you considered Dismantling The Big Bang ?
Starlight, Time and the New Physics - an excellent read or Kindle eBook Edition
Origins - Evidence For a Young World with Dr. Russell Humphreys
The Creation Answers Book - answers for many riddles
Christianity For Skeptics: An Understandable Examination of Christian Belief
Dating in Archaeology: Radiocarbon & Tree-Ring Dating
"The coal deposits are said by evolutionists to have formed over millions of years, but they
contain the fossils of perfectly-preserved skeletons, including two-ton dinosaurs, which would
have had to have been covered almost instantly. In 1878, miners working in the Mons coalfield
in Belgium discovered 39 iguanodon dinosaur skeletons, many of them complete, at a depth of
322 meters. They were 10 meters long and weighed two tons each. For their bodies to be rapidly
buried would require rates of deposition thousands or even millions of times greater than the
average 0.2 millimeters per year proposed by uniformitarians. (Milton, Shattering the Myths, p.
Have you considered DNA Similarity Myth
Human vs Chimp Y chromosome shock
Origin Of Species - Was Darwin Right ? Dr Terry Mortenson
The Bible And The Age Of The Earth
"Adam, the first man, was created in the sixth day, lived through the seventh day, and into
at least a portion of the eighth day. If these days were long geologic periods of millions
of years in length, we have the interesting situation of Adam having lived in a portion of
one age, through the whole of another age, and into at least a portion of a third age, in
which case he was many millions of years old when he finally died!"
Are you acquainted with UN Agenda 21/30 on population control or management, that no doubt is a best effort by governments, but omits God's remedying of the Earth's water cycle (once widely accepted as our leader) so deserts blossom once again, freeing up land for food, energy production, and population growth.
Graphene water filters will assist water filtering, but will still need to deal with the enormous byproduct of salt, and the enormous land coverage required for the Sahara, Australian, and other deserts.
The will make partial in-roads into restoring our deserts, but filtering sea water through corrugated cardboard or graphene filters requires replacing or cleaning out those filters regularly, over an enormous area, so doesn't scale up well into a large scale reclamation of our deserts.
The Great Gospel Deception by D. Servant
Apparently God requiring humanity to work for a living, while seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and "all these things will be added unto you/us", is resolved with some type of asceticism / austerity DS describes. He later explains it, Jesus concluded: "So therefore, no one of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions" Luke 14:33 . "In order to be Jesus' disciple, we must relinquish ownership of all our possessions to His control. We become stewards of what is now His, and our material wealth will be used for His purposes. Otherwise we are not His disciples." Kindle Loc 1163. This isn't communism though, as it isn't State control, but a transformed view of how we conduct our affairs in light of Jesus' teaching. Again, we become faithful stewards, holding those things lightly until God requires them of us, and not indulging in the practice of self serving purchases that don't predominantly build God's influence.
To improve on the somewhat adhoc nature of stewardship we might adopt the Levite modus operandi for property ownership, primarily using church Trust/s to manage lease housing, and expensive items of property, for those fulfilling the great commission - similar to real estate companies that manage rental properties, purchased as a rent/lease to own - but eventually owned by the Trust/s. With 3D printed housing it's no longer prohibitive to build new houses at a budget price - /wCzS2FZoB-1